Higher education according to Britannica is a form of post secondary learning (university, teacher-training, professional etc) that ends in an award of a degree or higher education certificate.
APA defines PhD as higher education designed for individuals interested in generating new knowledge through research and or gaining teaching experience. PhD students receive training in research methods, and writing in order to independently produce and contribute to knowledge. These individuals may choose to work in teaching, consulting, governance or industry at the end of their program. Due to the nature and structure of a PhD, less than 2% of the world’s population are PhDs. And so sometimes I get the hate.
Maybe you are still wondering how long it will take you to complete this and enjoy the life you deserve. Oftentimes, that is the problem. We are too quick to catch up with the lives of people we are constantly comparing ourselves to, be it online or in our everyday reality.
As a PhD student studying abroad (I know, I will come to that), I have the opportunity and have been able to travel to other countries through research conferences. So if travel is on your list of life goals, a PhD is a good way to do that.
PhD students are usually broke I must say. However, students in good academic standing who apply for grants and fellowships win awards that support their finances. What’s more, a PhD will discipline you and make you focus on what’s more important if you let it.
Many PhD students choose to study abroad for an opportunity to explore a new world. As mentioned in another article, some still face the challenge of chasing a western passport. This is because the sociocultural problems back home affect us all. The good news is, PhDs have the opportunity to apply for and gain residency in the country they are contributing knowledge to. Students who start the program with the right intention and focus often excel and achieve their goals. This saves them from investing in a contractual relationship with a citizen of the said western country to acquire a passport.
We should increase individuals interest in acquiring a higher degree. Educators need to teach students about the true value of a PhD. Students should read about the value of higher education themselves, governments should improve the economy and educational institutions. Media outlets should engage in healthy discussions on the subject.
One thing is for sure, a PhD or higher education significantly supports an individuals growth. More importantly, a PhD is for people interested in contributing to knowledge, maybe this is you!